#136 - September 9, 2016 - Ace TalkingWolf - Sex After Marriage
This week is a little different.  We ran into Ace TalkingWolf at Frolicon last Spring.  He introduced himself as an avid listener and said he had a topic for a show, we were intrigued.  He said, “Sex After Marriage” and our brains started to explode with possibilities.  Most of us have had great sex through dating, courting and even into early marriage.  Then that ugly reality sets in called LIFE!  A married couple often has two bread winners, odd hours, exhaustion, etc. then add kids, family, sibs and the kinky relationship starts to falter.  What is the hot sex reality that we once knew?  Now one a week? Less?  Ace talks about his marriage as it fell apart and then what happens.  Woody and the Beast add in to the story telling about their previous attempts also.  It’s a guy thing, but maybe we can all learn something, or at least recognize the writing on the wall.  Join us for a interlude of guy rant, then we get back to our relationships and move on with life.  Rated: Insightful
Link: Ace on Fetlife
Keywords: Ace, Talkingwolf, marriage, relationships, sex, after marriage, moving on, real life, 

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