#229 - Chanee - Inclusivity: Where Are All The Black People?
(Recorded live at Frolicon)
Most gatherings of polyamorous and kinky people are very white, upper middle class, homogeneous affairs. Black people and other POC often feel left out and unwelcome in larger gatherings within our community. In this class, we'll discuss WHY this separation happens, and have an open forum discussion on what we can do to create inclusive environments. How can community leaders craft events to appeal to a more diverse crowd? Being your questions, no matter how "un-PC" they may be, and we'll discuss them. Everyone is invited and welcomed to open up a conversation about diversity and inclusiveness within our community.
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, chanee, frolicon, inclusivity, black, people, poc, separation, kinky, polyamorous, white, class, community

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