#257 - Mistress Tulsa - Expectations of a Female "D” TypeMistress Tulsa has been involved in the Atlanta BDSM community since the mid 90's, having been a regular at PEP Atlanta and Sanctuary of the Dark Angel. Although her background is in classic D/s-M/s and heavy sadomasochism, she has an affectionate solidarity with the local leather community and various lifestyle niche groups. Over the years, she has been involved in two long-term M/s poly relationships as a slave, but is now happily in a long-term monogamous relationship, with Mr. Stripey Pants in service to her. She loves her role as Mistress, but feels very strongly that every couple should make their relationship uniquely suited to their needs.Due to her medical profession, Mistress Tulsa has worked for years to educate and serve her local BDSM community by presenting for various groups and munches, and making herself available 24/7 to help anyone who needs medical advice or assistance.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/17466Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, mistress, tulsa, Atlanta, sadomasochism, community, poly, M/s, monogamous, relationship, couple, medical, educate, beds, munch
#258 - Page Turner - An Open Letter to a Conservative, Sex-Negative Mother, From Her Bisexual, Polyamorous Daughter!Page Tuner is a prolific writer and share her thoughts on Fetlife and her site Poly.Land. Below is a writing that caught our eye, because it so personal and so relevant to our fellow Kinksters. Page has been a guest on the cast several times in the past and always brings perspective to polyamorous relationships and those looking to start one. For more information of her writings, visit Poly.Land on the web.To hear this weeks show with Page Turner, scroll to the bottom of the page.An Open Letter to a Conservative, Sex-Negative Mother From Her Bisexual, Polyamorous DaughterJournal Entry | 263 Comments · 788 Love It | about 1 month agoX-posted to Poly.LandDear Mom,I know you're confused by how I live. I've come to expect it. It's understandable to me that you don't get it. That you don't get how I live my life.You say my life is too quiet. That I should have a kid or get a few dogs. That it seems empty, like it's missing something.And I suppose that makes sense... since there are large parts of my life that are invisible to you. The fact that I'm bisexual, polyamorous, kinky. Not because I'm hiding any of that from you, exactly. But because you refuse to see it. Because you've drawn firm boundaries around being told about any of it.I've come out to you a dozen times (or more!), and each time your face grows tight. You raise your hand, waving it frantically in front of me.This is your sign for "TOO MUCH INFORMATION, please stop."The First Time I Told You I Was BisexualYou did this the first time I told you I was bisexual. I remember that day very well.We were talking about one of my friends from college, what she'd been up to. “You knew she was gay, right?” I said.You said, “I think so. I barely remember her.”“You know, Mom,” I continued. “I have A LOT of gay friends.”“Seems it,” you said.“I’d say more than half actually, especially if you count the bisexuals.”You didn’t say anything.“You know, people who can love either men or women?” (As this was 10 years ago, nonbinary gender wasn't something I'd personally given much thought to since it wasn't a well known social concept yet, and I don't think I could have explained it well to you. You wouldn't have thought it made sense.)“I’ve heard of that,” you said.“I think a lot of people are in the middle,” I said. “A lot of people are bisexual and just get passed off as straight. Because they’re married, and no one asks.” I paused. “Like me, for example.”Silence.“You okay, Mom?” I asked.“I’m not really surprised,” you said. “I always kind of knew there was something going on with you and _____.” You said the name of the woman I was involved with off and on for six painful years.I nodded, started trying to explain it a little bit more.But you cut me off, sighing and waving your hand. “You talk way too much about your friends, religion, and sex. I don’t care about that stuff. Let’s just stick to talking about dieting, food, and your marriage from now on.”You drew a boundary. And I accepted it, by saying, "Fair enough."But I never knew that you'd later pretend we never had that conversation.The First Time I Told You I Was PolyamorousThe same thing happened when I came out to you as polyamorous.I remember the first thing you said, "Polyamory? Is that something from the Internet?"Which made me laugh. And we talked for a while.I fumbled through parallels to things you were familiar with. That TV show Sister Wives. I remembered that you'd told me how disgusted you were with it, primarily because the wives weren't allowed to date other people, and it was unfair.I explained that there was no gender disparity there in polyamory. You liked that.You ended the conversation by telling me that you were fine with it so long as I wasn't dating married men. Which was a curious thing to say because I was myself married and actually dating a man married to someone else (a fact I'd just told you and that you seemed to accept just a minute before). And you didn't say anything at all about women. It was like we'd never had that conversation about my being bisexual.You changed the subject as soon as you could. And like a TV show whose plot lacks continuity, you would conveniently forget both conversations every time it would become relevant in the future.It was like I'd never told you I was bisexual or polyamorous. Like you'd never let yourself encode that into your memory.Or that you felt if you could just pretend it wasn't reality that it would fade away, like some kind of phase.It Hurts You That I’m So IndependentWhenever we talk, which is never as much as you would like, you tell me it bothers you that I don't need you. "What do I have to offer you?" you ask.You talk about my brothers and sisters, how much they need you. And in what ways. How it makes you feel like you have a purpose. But me, I'm a different case. And it hurts you, you say, that I'm so independent."You should be proud that I don't need you," I say to you over the phone. "Isn't that what all parents want, to raise children who can fend for themselves?""I just don't want you to forget about me," you say.And it's all I can do to keep myself from replying, "Well, you seem intent on forgetting half of who I am, so what's the difference?"But I don't say this. Instead, I reply, "I don't want much. I just want respect. Space. Freedom."You groan. "That doesn't sound like any fun."I frown and ask you about the particulars of your baked haddock recipe. Since fresh seafood is one of the things I miss the most about Maine.This makes you happy. "Can you get good haddock in Ohio?" you ask me."No, but you can get tilapia at Costco," I reply. "It's not the same, but it's pretty good, just in a different way."We talk for 15 minutes about fish, before you interrupt me midsentence to tell me again that my life seems boring to you, too quiet. That I shouldn't work so much and should have a kid instead.You Think Sex Is a ChoreEven if you did decide to finally listen to me, I doubt any of it would make sense to you. Why I've done anything I've done over the past decade.You love to be the center of attention; you need it to feel alive. Polyamory would sound like torture to you, sharing time and attention with other people, especially if it meant some of that attention would go to other women, whom you've always regarded with suspicion. You view other women as cutthroat competition. Female metamours would be your personal hell. And dating more people separately would fill you with anxiety. Make you bitter.And the idea of an MFF triad wouldn't be appealing to you at all, as a straight woman. But then again, neither would MFM. Or even having more male lovers you could see on your own.You think sex is gross and a chore. Something you do to get what you really want: Financial stability, children who are extensions of you and show everyone what a good person you are (bringing more of that delicious positive attention), the constant presence of a good handyman (my father).To you, sex is not pleasure, it is duty.You Think Ambition Comes From Greed, Not a Need to Contribute Something"You work too much," you tell me. "You should relax, let other people take care of you." Because to you, a job is something you do to survive, not because you want to achieve things. If you had your way, you'd lounge eternally surrounded by snacks, fully entertained. It would never occur to you to feel bad about not doing enough for the world.You think ambition always comes from greed. That driven people are competitive, striving for things they don't need.But you don't understand the basic premise of my life: You can be driven because you're trying to make up for being born. To give something back to the world instead of simply consuming and damaging everything you touch.So the way I live my life is entirely incomprehensible to you. And yet you say you want to be part of it.I’m Not Going to Let You Love Part of MeWhen I was a child, you wanted me to be close to you but to do everything differently. To be the kind of person you could love without confusion. And back then, I had no choice. I had to bend as far as I possibly could so I could stay safe and loved. You forced me to tell lies to you and to myself every day so you could maintain the illusion that I was someone you could be completely proud of.But I'm an adult now, and you don't get to pick and choose parts of me to love anymore. You said it yourself: I don't need you anymore.The tables have turned. You need me now more than I need you.And I'm not going to let you love part of me. Take me as I am or leave me. It's up to you.*Books by Page Turner:A Geek's Guide to Unicorn RanchingPoly Land: My Brutally Honest Adventures in Polyamory X-posted to Poly.LandKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, poly, page, turner, open, letter, mom, polyamorous, relationship, bi, bisexual, daughter
#259 - Maggie LaFae - When I'm 64A Faerie TaleOnce there was a Princess who had pretty boobs, shapely feet, and a way with words.She had kissed way too many frogs in her life (none of them French, she’s not rude like that, to call people cruel names, unlike the evil ruler of her country), so, she had just about given up hope of ever finding her prince.Then one day, a handsome gentleman with courtly manners showed up and asked her to dance. Filled with wonder, she said, “fuck, yes!”To be continued …And so it goes. This week we visit with Maggie LaFae, yes you have heard that name before back in episode 169. Maggie and her soulmate ATI join us to tell the real life story of their courtship. Maggie details the event on Fetlife in a multi-chapter story, part fiction, part reality. When a woman of 64 years and a man of 52 get together and light a romantic fire that burns so brightly, all we can do is applaud. Sit back and hear the story of two lovers and the modern way they found each other.Link to the Faerie Tale: https://fetlife.com/users/3653792/posts/4796535Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, Maggie, LaFae, ati, 64, faerie, tale, fairy, princess, love, story, modern, dating.

#CS1 - Red Chair - Birmingham ALHey, Hi, and Hello you kinky folks! Welcome to our brand new Community Spotlight! What is the Community Spotlight? Well, I am glad you asked! It's a brand new feature to the kinky cast site where we interview leadership from play spaces, dungeons, and education hot spots. We're starting out with some of our favorite hotspots in the Southeast, and if you all want to hear more then we will keep branching out! For our very first Community Spotlight we talked to LuggageMonkeys about The Red Chair in Birmingham, Alabama. So, join us for a short session and learn a little bit more about what Birmingham has to offer you amazing kinksters!Links…The website is www.theredchair.org, and Fetlife group is https://fetlife.com/groups/583.Click on the show logo below to hear this months Community Spotlight.
#260 - Rainbow Kitten - HotwifeRainbow_Kitten7 (Fetlife) is a stay at home mother of seven who delights in directing her children’s education through homeschooling. She has been married for 23 years to UnicornHusbandry (Fetlife) who is not only a chef professionally but loves spoiling her with cooking at home. You can often find her in long, deep, intimate conversations about philosophy, theology, or kink with friends over coffee or wine. Her favorite is an intertwining of the three. She loves reflecting and writing about her journey on Fetlife. Realizing that she was not alone in her new found libido at 40, she has set out to be a voice to other women in her same shoes. Embracing a more nontraditional hotwife scenario, her voice is unique in having such a long term, loving relationship while simultaneously embracing her inner slut.This page was removed last year do to a community outing. You can find out what happened in the 2020 Year End Show.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, Hotwire, rainbow, kitten, milf, libido, relationship, slut
#261 - Five Year Anniversary Show Who knew? The KinkyCast would go on this long. Our kinky crew had their fingers crossed that it would. This week we highlight our five most listened shows, plus a bonus. With thousands of plays each, our listeners have chosen the subjects and guests they like. We chat with each for a few minutes and reference their episode in a link. Listen to what these 5 guests are up to now and reflect on their original show.Here are the shows:1. Venus Queen #202 - Looking for a Cuckold Relationship2. D20Domme #143 - Revisiting BDSM 1013. Kinky Abby #140 - All About Anal4. Terek #132 - Cuckolding, BBC & Gang Bangs5. Fire Child #232 - Anal 101Bonus: BDSM Nightmares #201
#262 - A Glimpse in to Pet Play First hear a few words from Pam about Frolicon 2019! (Just before Part one starts)#262A Part One - Hello and Welcome Back Kinksters! We have a special guest with us all the way from Salt Lake City, Utah. He is the producer of the Rocky Mountain Puppy and Trainer Contest. He is here to tell us all about the contest, pet play, and his life in the kink world! So, come join us and have a little bit of fun along the way!www.rmrebellion.com www.rmpupcontest.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/325239070969790/#262B Part Two - Welcome back for another glimpse into the giant umbrella we call kink! We have the immense joy of having Tig with us to discuss a femme perspective on puppy play! Join us as we discuss pups and handlers, hear all about femme space in pup play, and have a pun-tastically good time!Dames and Dams:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1863870880598269/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TigNatious/IPAHWhttps://www.ipahw.comKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, pet, play, rusty, tiger, puppy, trainer, contest, pet, fun, glimpse, handler, femme
#263 - Rough n Tough - Buried & BeatenIn 2018 Carmen Rough’s (Rough_n_Tough) unique Beat & Bury scene left a lasting impression on the community as her antics surfaced online with a short video featuring her being buried head first up to her torso wearing only a gas mask and breathing hose with her supple ass exposed for an eager sadist to leave his mark. She was beat and brutalized in front of an awestruck audience. Bearded Prince: Filmmaker, photographer and bondage freak; this bearded wonder has stumbled into the BDSM community to find his true passion mixing his unique style of storytelling and kinky shenanigans. With over twenty years of experience in the mainstream television and motion picture production Bearded Prince has work with some of the most notable organization in the entertainment industry.Links: Carmen Rough on Fet Bearded Prince on FetKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, beat, bury, beaten, buried, carmen, rough, bearded, prince, brutalized, gas, scene, breathing, bondage
#CS2 - Titans of the MidwestWelcome back to our new feature for Kinkycast: Community Spotlight! This month we spoke to Adeena, your 2017 International Person of Leather, about Titans of the Midwest. We heard amazing things about the education they have been providing in Kentucky. So, we just had to learn more! Tune in to learn all about the Titans, Kink U, and their goal of making education available in as many places as possible!Link: https://www.titansofthemidwest.org/Click on the show logo below to hear this months Community Spotlight.
#264 - Matt O'Toole - GenderHello Kinky People! Welcome back to KinkyCast. The hosts of the cast had the immense pleasure of talking to the very first International Olympus MX titleholder Matt OToole, aka Perrin, about the wonderful exploration of the Galaxy of Gender. :) So, if you want to learn about all about gender, and have a few laughs along the way, join our motley little crew as we find out all about this fascinating topic.Links: https://www.wpath.org/ https://www.glaad.org/ https://www.teenvogue.com/story/9-things-people-get-wrong-about-being-non-binaryKeywords: podcast, kinkycast,kink, bdsm, gender, matt, o’toole, Galaxy, internal Olympus, mx, titleholder, Perrin
#265 - aemok - Mental Health and KinkHello Lovely Kinksters! We have the incredibly pleasure of having “aemok” with us! She is going to talk about Mental Health and Kink. Why is it important? What role does it play in kink? What are some great tips? Tune in to find out, folks!!! Links: Fetlife & Facebook @runningaemokTwitter/IG: aemokWebsite: runningaemok.com The NAMI HelpLine—800-950-6264 or info@nami.org https://openpathcollective.org/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, bdsm, mental, health, armok, play, role, judgment
#266 - Dr. Brad Sagarin - Why We Hunger for HurtWith sadism and masochism no longer seen as inherently pathological, scientists have begun to think about these as traits that everyone might possess (at least a little bit). In “Why We Hunger for Hurt,” we’ll take a look at research that links masochism to eating chili peppers, riding roller coasters, and climbing mountains, and sadism to Internet trolling and delivering noise blasts in a laboratory game. We’ll also explore whether these types of “everyday sadism" have anything to do with the consensual sadism we see in the BDSM community.Link: http://www.scienceofbdsm.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kinky, research, university, dr., Brad, Sagarin, sadism, masochism, hurt, hunger, self, consent, consensual.
#CS3 - Onyx SoutheastWelcome back to Community Spotlight. This month we had the pleasure of speaking with Hannibal about Onyx SE. We got the chance to hear a little of the history behind Onyx, all about their events, and we got to have a few laughs along the way. Come join us and learn all about this amazing organization, and we promise to bring you more information about education and playspaces next month! — Links: OnyxSoutheast.com https://www.instagram.com/onyxsoutheast/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, leather, onyx, southeast, community, spotlight, educate, explore, empower, HannibalClick on the Community Spotlight below to listen
#267 - BlaqLex on White WomenI am BlaqLex or Lex, a long time member of Fetlife and California native, Lex is an alpha dominate master and trainer and educator. With over 30 years of experience in the realm of BDSM and kink. My specialty is black sexuality, interracial relationships, the art of difference between a dom, stud bull, and master training guide where he lectures and holds discussion groups with college and adult audiences.Lex finds that interracial connections remain one of the most taboo and fascinating dynamics of all sexual and adult oriented relationships be it vanilla or kink. In his interview with KinkyCast’s host Woody, Lex discusses a range of issues from his experiences and the attraction of interracial sex and kink to why Black men are drawn to white women.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, buds, interracial, race, dating, sex, black, white
#268 - Papa Bear - ChainsChain. We know what it is. We've all seen it. Meet the man who can teach you how to play with it! Papa Bear, the very first International Person of Leather from 2015, has been teaching for several years. If you want to learn all about chain and the different ways to play with it, listen in and have fun!https://www.facebook.com/jason.oquisthttps://fetlife.com/users/955643Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, chain, chains, papa bear, papabear, pol, leather, Jason, teach, class, play, fun
#269 - Frolicon April 18-21 2019 - PreShow with PamFrolicon is the unique juxtaposition of the geek and kink worlds celebrated in glorious fashion in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Each Spring we celebrate our unique sense of fun and frivolity with 2000 of our closest friends. What’s your poison? We’ve got it all. Kink. Gaming. Burlesque. Music. Costuming. Parties. Lots and lots of parties. At Frolicon we pride ourselves on providing a safe and comfortable place where you can be you. With tracks of programming with focuses on LGBTQIA, erotica and sci-fi/fantasy authors, photography, dance, polyamory, psychology, and so much more we are positive that you’ll find your happy place and maybe discover a few new ones.Link: https://www.frolicon.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, frolic, Atlanta, party, classes, gaming, think, relationship, poly, dungeon, pam
#270 - Sir Phoenix Black - PresenterThis week Woody talks with Sir Phoenix Black. With a diverse background on Kink and Leather, Sir Phoenix talks about an upcoming workshop, at “Beyond Leather", on “The Biochemistry of Play”, In this moderator lead discussion we discuss the biochemistry, hormones and altered mental states behind subspace, topspace and drop. Tips on how to manipulate it, enjoy it and survive it. Also how you may want to alter your play and or aftercare based on pre existing conditions in your bottom. The conversation gets deep into how to enhance play and story from the past.Bio: Sir Phoenix Black (Instagram-Realphoenixblack / FetLife - SirPhoenixBlack) entered the lifestyle in 2013. He is the founder of the ‘’House of Rising Phoenix" - a Poly, Leather, kinky house with a focus on education and community service. Sir Phoenix is supported by his submissive Princess Shadow (Fetlife-PrincessShadow1) in all his efforts to uplift and support the lifestyle. Sir Phoenix is a cis gendered, heterosexual, Black, Leather man, and identifies as a Sadistic 24/7 lifestyle Dominant. Sir Phoenix believes that perfecting dominance is learned, and also in the advancement of BDSM and Leather communities through service. Sir Phoenix lives in the Atlanta area and is very involved in the local scene. He recently served as a mentor with the Atlanta Mentors project, is a Dungeon Monitor at 1763 (his home dungeon in Atlanta), served on the Public Relations staff at SouthEast LeatherFest and supports the Onyx Men, Onyx Pearls and The Atlanta Eagle. Additional Links: Cocktailsandcondomstour.com. Iamlivingaligned.com (Kink’d up Atlanta) Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, buds, leather, presenter, sir, phoenix, black, biochemistry, subspace, sub, space, top, workshop, shadow, poly, education, community, atlanta
#271 - Mr. O - The Selection - (or Summer Camp for Masochists)With the help of some fucking amazing people, Mr. O turned the “House of O" into "The Compound of Horrors".It's hard to even describe everything that happened that weekend. I can only recount the things I witnessed or was a part of.There is so much more I missed. I will likely write another more personal and reflective piece as I begin to process everything.We started with a short briefing in the garage. Soon we were hooded, numbered, and one by one, put on the block to be disrobed and inspected.The rules were explained. We were here of free will. We could leave anytime with a simple "I quit". Otherwise we would be expected to comply.For 48 hours, 6 participants were put through brutal physical tasks, isolation, humiliation, discomfort, sleep deprivation, mosquito hell, torture and interrogation.We were held in a barn with nothing but cement, chains, and a numbered cinderblock for company.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/1769826/posts/4615106Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, selection, hell, camp, Mr. O, compound, horrors, tasks, isolation, humiliation, discomfort, sleep deprivation, mosquito hell, torture, interrogation
#272 - The Body Positivity PanelJoin Autumn and her crew for an insightful look into body positivity. Body positivity is a social movement rooted in the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, in doing so it challenges the ways in which society presents and views the physical body. The movement advocates the acceptance of all bodies no matter the form, size, or appearance. The goal of the movement is to address the unrealistic beauty standards and to build the confidence of oneself and others. The body positivity movement addresses the unfeasible about self-acceptance, beauty, and self-esteem. The movement sets forth the notion that beauty is a construct of society, and poses that this construct should not infringe upon one's ability to feel confidence or self-worth. The idea surrounding the body positivity movement is centered around the notion that people need to love themselves to the fullest, accepting their physical traits.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, buds, body, image, panel, autumn, relationship, community.
#CS4-The Knoll - Clarksville TennesseeThis month the Community Spotlight goes to Clarksville TN to The Knoll with MamaDomme. Woody & Autumn unlock some of the magic that goes with a kinky time in the open air. Sitting around the campfire, roasting nipples chestnuts, breathing fresh air, what could be better that a good beating? You can have it all, with 50 close friends. Mama D. Tells of her 40 years in the lifestyle and her guiding hand can help anyone that wants to learn about community.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/102492Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, community, spotlight, mama domme, clarksville, Tennessee, knoll, Joe, master, camp, fire, Beltane, BDSM, openClick on the Community Spotlight below to listen
#273 - BrutalMaster.com - 20 Years of Hell!It is called HELL! for a reason. BrutalMaster.com is celebrating it's 20 year anniversary as one of the most extreme reality-based BDSM websites on the 'net. It is the go-to place online for intense torture of all kinds, especially extreme tit-torture, tit nailing, and skewering. BrutalMaster is the driving force and creative talent behind the site, a lifestyle Master and sadist with decades of experience. His website is not for the faint of heart, but for those who seek a level of consensual sadism and masochism that rises above the more mainstream kink offerings, BrutalMaster.com is a must. With a wide variety of submissives, slaves, masochists, and exhibitionists called "The Slaves of HELL!," no aspect of the Pain-Arts is ignored. BrutalMaster.com — The Official Website of HELL!Link: http://www.brutalmaster.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, buds, brutal, master, hell, extreme, tit, nailing, skewering, lifestyle, sadist, sadism, macochism, kink, exhibitionist, slave, slaves, pain
#274 - Miss Bettie - BDSM Introduction at Frolicon - Down the Rabbit Hole!Ever feel like Alice in a strange new place? Ever find yourself wandering without any idea what in the world is going on? Ever see strange, ritualistic behavior and feel out of place because you don’t understand it? Well Miss Bettie is here to help uncover some of those mysteries. Here, you’ll learn about groups, parties, rules, roles, definitions, and anything else you can think to ask. This class is shaped mostly by what you want to know. So many of your questions were answered. Bring an open mind.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/33582Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, kinky, buds, frolic, introduction, down, the, ribbit, hole, strange, place, ritualistic, understand, bettie, party, rules, roles, definitions
#275 - Rory, AKA Why Trust Tom Hanks - 3 Types of LustWhyTrustTomHanks (Rory) spent a decade and a half thinking of lust as shallow, boring, and stupid—entirely separate, in other words, from his obsessive semi-academic enthusiasms. When he learned that lust could be interesting and deep, he promptly dropped the Russian theatre he was studying to consider vastly more universal topics, such as boners and pretty people and the immortal thrill of a good tease.Rory’s Link: https://fetlife.com/users/4832168Link to writing: https://fetlife.com/users/4832168/posts/5554993Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, buds, Rory, whytrusttomhanks, three, types lust, tease, deep, thrill
#276 - 2MDs & A Microphone - Recorded Live at Frolicon 2019 Doctor D and Doctor Peggy Sue are back for another round of the intersection of kink and actual medicine know-how sprinkled with improv comedy, sarcasm, double entendres and disturbing photographs taken with our night vision cameras in the dark room that will have you laughing and itching all at the same time. If you haven't been to our panel yet, where the fuck have you been? If you want to get a good idea what we are like, listen to one of our podcasts from a few years ago. This year is funnier than the other ones, and that we are two doctors in the scene that love to answer the ungoogleable medical questions they might not be able to ask their doctors about and providing good advice how to deal with vanilla doctors. This years questions are: STI’s, Rimming, Piss Play, Circumcision, Vaccination and more! Links: Previous “2 MDs & a Mic” Episodes: #75 The First - #105 STI Alphabet Soup - #171 The third round of the Q&A wild ride. #241 - 2MDs & A Microphone - Rash Decisions - All these shows were recorded live at Frolicon.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, frolicon, Doctor, dam, Peggy sue, still, rimming, piss, play, circumcision, vaccination, abuse, medical, advise, comedy
#277 - Christian V - Leatherman / EducatorChristian V is a Leatherman who is passionate about making information on the Leather lifestyle and BDSM available to all. As President and Educational Coordinator of the Academy in Georgetown SC, he has worked to create a place where people of all orientations can feel confident in the information they receive and comfortable in putting it to use in the play area. He has presented classes across the country on a variety of subject matter from the fundamentals of BDSM scene etiquette and negotiation to more technical classes in electrical play, 'toy-less' play techniques and others. Coming from a varied and colorful background, having worked in areas as divergent as professional music production, technology development, and hypnotherapy, his presentations are both entertaining and highly informative. His plans for world domination are proceeding as scheduled.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/91489Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, educator, weatherman, christian, academy, Georgetown, play, negotiation, technical, skills, electrical
#278 - Rachel Anne Kieran Psy.D - Kinky Science Makes the World Go Round!Ever assumed that if you shared your kinky activities with a mental health professional that they would slap a diagnosis on your file faster than you could say "Freud?" Would you be surprised to know that if they did, they would likely be acting unprofessionally & contradicting the guidelines for diagnosis set forth by their professional bodies? Want to know about some recent changes made to these guidelines that significantly de-pathologized many forms of kink? Let’s talk about it!— About the presenter…Rachel Anne Kieran Psy.D - A graduate of Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, Florida with Bachelor’s degrees in History and Psychology, I moved to Denver, Colorado to pursue graduate study in Clinical Psychology. I received my Master's and a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology from the University of Denver. I moved to Atlanta to complete my doctorate by serving a 12-month internship at Georgia State University, where I was then hired as a post-doctoral fellow, and then a senior staff member. Prior to opening a private practice in Atlanta in 2007 I worked for Regis University in Denver and Georgia State University in Atlanta - providing clinical services for students in both positions. I have also worked in a group practice and a community mental health center in Denver. When not providing direct service, I teach as an adjunct at Argosy University Atlanta, and provide continuing education workshops for other mental health professionals, particularly in the areas of sexual, gender and relational diversity.Links: The task force information is at this link, and the survey can be directly accessed here. You can find me personally at www.rkieranpsyd.com. Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, Rachel, Anne, Kieran, Psy.D, Kinky, Science, Makes, the, World, Go, Round!, DSM, diagnosis, de-pathologized, contradicting, guidelines, diagnosis
#CS5 - Kentucky House PartyThis month Candy Cock open his house to talk about house parties. Yes, you guessed it, it’s a lot of work turning your home into a play and social space. Candy and the lovely Talula Blue do just that every month. When a local gathering that is not hours away from a major city play space is needed, the house party is just what a rural community needs. Join us as the house party story unfolds.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, house, party, Candy, cock, talula, rural, play, community, oak, grove, Kentucky, ky- Click on the show logo to hear this episode -
#279 Lilah Rose - Model - Performer - ActivistLilah Rose (she/her) is a fetish model and performer, educator, consent consultant, pro-switch, and disability and sex worker rights advocate. Her fetishes tend toward the heavily masochistic, and her classes focus on consent, communication, mental health, coping skills, and bottoming skills. When she is not juggling her many professional hats she can be found crafting, gaming, reading (mostly fantasy) and wishing she were at the barn with her horse. You can follow her on fetlife as LilahRose, and twitter as LilahRose_Model.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, model, performer, activist, Lilah, rose, educator, sex, work, advocate
#280 - Lady Steele/Master Inferno/Sir Odin - Polyamory vs Polyfuckery, recorded live at FroliconWhat is the difference between polyamory (more than two loves) and polyfuckery (non-monogamy)? Does sex have to be a part of polyamory? Does love have to be a part of non-monogamy? What forms do these very broad concepts take? Do these concepts overlap at times? Join Master Inferno, Sir Odin, and Lady Steele as they discuss the differences and confusion surrounding polyamory and non-monogamy.— Links: https://www.morethantwo.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ethical_Slut. https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Lady%20SteeleKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, poly, polyamory, polyfuckery, non-monogamy, sex, partners, frolicon
#281 - Xanadu K - Courtesan & Guys, I Get It!This week we have a real treat. Meet Xanadu K. A fourty-something pint-size powerhouse that is a true fet-leberty. Check out her extensive writings. We stumbled across two of her writings that peaked out interest. The Courtesan and Guys, I Get It, I Get It! To give you a bit of insight into this complex woman, check her Fet profile below...I'm 5'2.25" and fully convinced that .25 rounds it all up to 5'7". Just...go with it.My Amazon Wish List: Real doughnuts that make you lose weight, grow 4.75", and transforms a lass into a blonde sex goddess named Helga. I’m pretty sure that can be found somewhere on Amazon…I have a weird sense of humor or humour (translated). You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make a slut suck his dick… I don't understand idioms... You know that saying about having your cake and eating it, too? What the fuck else are fuckers doing with their cake!? Again, idioms…I'm insatiable about many things. A good conversation. Reading. Learning. Sharing philosophies. You might be surprised that I didn't mention sex. I just did. Please try to refrain from asking if I'm Oriental. I'm neither a lamp nor a rug.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/8766703Keywords: podcast, Kinkycast, kink, BDSM, sex, relationships, dating, size, wish, dick, idioms, goddess, conversation, humor
#282 - Podcasting for Writers with TrinityHow does being on-air affect a writing career? How do you get to be a guest on a podcast? What should you do once you're there? And what about creating your own podcast? Join our panelists, Trinity, JJ Rose, Shakir Rashaan and Woody (KinkyCast) for the answers to all these questions and any others you might have! We'll spend some time talking about why you want to be a podcast guest, as an author, what to do (and not do!) and then we'll move into how to create your own!— Links: Trinity http://www.trinitywrites.com - JJ Rose https://authorjjrose.com/ - Shakir Rashaan https://www.shakirrashaan.com/ - Woody https://www.kinkycast.com/Keywords: podcast, Kinkycast, kink, podcasting, writers, panel, frolicon, trinity, jjrose, Shakir, Rashaan, Woody, panelists, author, on-air, career, guest, questions, create
#CS6 - The Woodshed - OrlandoThis month we took the mic on the road to Orlando Florida. We met up with Master Cecil of The Woodshed, to learn about the community that surrounds this 6,000 square foot dungeon complex! We also recorded a full episode about bringing a dungeon to town. That will post later in the summer. Come join us and learn all about this amazing organization, and we promise to bring you more information about education and playspaces next month!Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, play, community, woodshed, Orlando, Florida, master, Cecil, playspace, dungeon, public- Click on the show logo to hear this episode -

#283 - The Primal Show with ArcArc_Ulfgrim (they/them/it/that) has been in the kink community for over a decade in Tallahassee and the larger southeast region. They are an animal identifying primal player, who also identifies as a Top. They have been educating others on Primal Play within the larger kink community for five years. This includes classes taught for Black Monday Society in Tallahassee and Frolicon in Atlanta. Arc regularly travels to primal event in the Southeast and acts as a coordinator for the primal offerings at Frolicon. You can follow Arc at Arc_Ulfgrim on Fetlife.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, BDSM, kink, primal, arc, ulfgrim, community, Tallahassee, southeast, play, classes, black Monday society,

#284 - Abduction & Interrogation with TravisAbduction and Interrogation, a discussion on how to set a scene, what are the key elements to an effective interrogation, how do you start it and how does it end. Safety aspects, both physical, emotional and possibility of trauma. Discussion includes examples of past interrogations including cause and effect of the scene start and what added to the headspace of the scene— Link: https://fetlife.com/users/789912Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, abduction, interrogation, aftercare, head space, PTSD, torture, consent, consensual, cnc, forced
#285 - So You Want To Build A Public DungeonA few weeks ago we took a road trip to Orlando Florida. The destination there is the Woodshed, a fabulous public dungeon with a great community that supports it. Today we bring Master Cecil’s story of how it came to be. No one ever said building a public play space would be easy. The mission of the Woodshed is education and the space is ideally set up for education and great play.Link: http://thewoodshedorlando.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, master Cecil, build, public, dungeon, play, space, community, education
#286 - Anticipatory Service with Heather (Massage_Me_Deep)This class will focus on defining service and what it means to anticipate the needs of another, show how to develop anticipatory skills and apply them to any form of service, whether it's in a D/s dynamic, serving your community, and even how to incorporate it into your vanilla life! It will also go over how a Dominant can communicate desires and teach a submissive how to serve them within a dynamic, whether that dynamic exists for an hour or for a lifetime. Coffee, anyone?Link: https://fetlife.com/users/3093205Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, submissive, service, anticipatory, anticipated, coffee, frolicon
#287 -Ms_J on FireFire extinguisher please!?! That’s what Woody needed after talking to this weeks guest, Ms_J. An educator of fire play and many other sadistic distractions (like recording this cast). We really did try to keep it on the rails. Here are a couple quotes from Ms_J’s Fat profile… "Sensually slowly reaching my hand up and across a woman’s breast, gently along the side of her neck, grabbing a fistful of her hair, with the barest of a whisper “Ima fuck you up!", withdrawing my hand from their hair and back down the breast…..all the while making it look like something sensual, soft, and elegant. YUP, I do that too.”"Ask me to slap your face, bite you while I pull your hair, or do rough body until you ugly-cry; especially if you have blond-hair, blue eyes, and an innocent looking face. You make the best ugly-criers! I also love it when my rough body bottom yells out “Mother-Fucker”……it means I'm doing my job right!!!"Links: Ms_J’S Get page… https://fetlife.com/users/39643The book mentioned in the cast… The Art of Sensual Female Dominance (Claudia Varrin) Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, fire, play, ms_j, educator, sensualist, sensual, sadistic, dominant
#CS7 - Savanah’s UndergroundThis month Woody hits the road and goes to Savanah Georgia, for Savanah’s Underground. Here is some detail on this month’s event:Admission $30 in advanceDress code: Kinky as you wanna be insideDescription: Our kick-off party is kind of a big deal – “It’s all about Lewbari”We’ll start off the morning with our rope class with DrtyOldManofRope and Zenmaster from JaxRopeBite and SavRopeBite.You learn basics, and be able to tie along and will be able to ask questions. This will get you ready for the Bondage for Sex demonstration by Lew Reubens.Demonstration will begin at 1 PM with an exciting Lew Rubens presentation “Bondage for Sex”. You can tie along with Lew as he teachesThis will be a 1.5 hour demo. Lew will also be vending with various items from his Lewbaristore. You can see them here:https://www.thelewbaristore.com/main.scLew Rubens background and bio:Experienced rigger and suspension artist, Lew Rubens has a love and passion of bondage that shows in his work. Known mostly for his wild suspensions, Lew joined the public side of BDSM play spring of 2001 and started his first website, BoundNDetermined.com and started teaching his unique simple bondage style which he branded as “Lewbari” the other “bari”A few years later Kink.com made him an offer he couldn't resist and he began running Waterbondage.com for them from winter 2006, through spring 2008. Later moving into a "Bondage Consultant" position for the prestigious company.On his own again now, Lew is concentrating on his “Lewbari Weekend.” Which is a weekend long bondage teaching seminar that takes people from beginning bondage through the basics of suspension in ONE WEEKEND!!When not teaching Lew concentrates his time on video production and his new product store: TheLewbariStore where he showcases his wild n crazy inventions along with many other bondage and BDSM related fun toys.Lew has presented his workshops and demos of his unique style at many BDSM and bondage industry events throughout the US, Canada, Austria, Jamaica, Germany, Spain, Australia & Rome.Important Note: This party will not have a particular theme or contest. Just bring your kinky selves and let’s have a good time!Schedule of Events:10:30 Am to 12:00Pm Jax/Savannah ropebite class12:00Pm to 1:00Pm Lunch on your own1:00Pm to 2:30Pm Bondage for Sex Demonstration with Lew Rubens Lew will be vending from the Lewbaristore all day3:00Pm to 9:30Pm Play PartyThis event will probably be eventbrite sales only as I think we will sell out early. 120 tickets available. Dont miss it.Also please send sav_underground a message when you purchase your ticket on eventbrite to let me know who you are (your real name). I only get a real name when you buy the ticket on eventbrite and it's hard enough keeping up with fetnames.The eventbrite link is live just Lew it!https://www.eventbrite.com/e/just-lew-itreubens-that-is-tickets-61788229257Fet Link: https://fetlife.com/events/793301CLICK ON THE SHOW LOGO, BELOW, TO HEAR ABOUT THIS GROUP/EVENT

#288 - Mr Ace & Auddie - Age Play & ObstaclesThis week’s Frolicon recording deal with Age Play and the Obstacles life throws at you. Our presenters are, Mr. Ace (he/him) and Auddie (she/her). Here is a bit about the presenters:Mr. Ace is a 36-year-old, Female to Male (FTM) transgender, poly, Daddy Dom. He and his babygirl (Auddie) have been active in the Atlanta kink community for 6 years. He is a southern gentleman with a sadists heart. He serves his community by volunteering and teaching classes such as Daddy 101, the Big Question, and co-teaching Everyday Age play. His interests include impact play, knife play, age play, needle play, mind fucks, Leather, and educating newcomers to the BDSM lifestyle.Auddie is a 43-year-old queer, plus size, female, submissive little. She and her Daddy (Mr. Ace) have been active in the Atlanta kind community for 6 years. She serves her community by volunteering and co-teaching classes such as Submissive Littles and Everyday Age play. Her interests include impact play, submission, age play, BOOTS, edge play, dark age play, Leather, and meaningful connections and experiences.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/2098869Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, poly, FTM, transgender, age, play, obstacles, frolicon, Atlanta

#298 - Pat Machate - NLAi Domestic Violence ProjectPat Machate is a LCSW-C who lives in West Virginia and she has worked as a clinical therapist with families and children for the past 15 years. She began her work with intimate partner violence in Howard County, Maryland where she was the Children's Program Coordinator for the previously named Domestic Violence Center of Howard County. During that time she acted as a consultant on Domestic Violence for the Child Advocacy Center. Previously she was a Crisis Hotline and hospital Victim Accompaniment volunteer at the then called Sexual Trauma, Abuse, Rape & Recovery Center. In her clinical career, she has specialized in populations including gay and trans youth, special education, juvenile justice, disabilities, and addictions. Pat has been active in the BDSM and Leather Community for over two decades spanning the DC Metro area to Hawaii. She received the NLA-I’s Steve Maidhof Award for International/National Dedication in 2016. She can also be seen interviewed in WOOF: A Barkumentary.Pat is the current Chair of the National Leather Association-International's Domestic Violence Project. She also has a virtual private practice where she specializes in therapy and coaching members of alternative communities including polyamory, BDSM, and LGBTQ. What is DVP: The Domestic Violence Project was initiated in 1998.The vision of the NLA-I Domestic Violence Project is to create a national network to provide information, appropriate referrals, resources, and safe shelters for those in the world community who have been subjected to abusive and violent BDSM relationships and who are seeking a way out of those relationships or who require a more extensive support network than is otherwise available to them.The DVP Mission: The National Leather Association-International (NLA-I) calls on the leather/ SM/Fetish community to take the lead in reducing domestic violence through education. No group is free of domestic violence, assault, or abuse; but fear, denial and lack of knowledge have slowed public response to this serious social problem. Link: Pat Machate LCSW-C, LCADC, Domestic Violence Project Chairperson, National Leather Association-International, www.nlaidvproject.usKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, buds, sex, domestic, violence, project, lgbtq, nla-i, award, referrals, resources, shelter, abusive, community
#290 - Scarlett Ross - Jumping Off the Relationship EscalatorLet's talk about jumping off the relationship escalator and breaking through the monogamous mindset. We have a great deal of holdover ideas from monogamous culture that can be toxic or limiting to polyamorous / Consensual Non-monogamous relationships. But how do we define successful relationships if we aren’t using society’s measuring stick?Scarlett’s Bio:Scarlett is a writer, teacher and wild woman with 20+ years in polyamory – which is good since she is a poly educator and works with individuals, groups and non-profits to improve the world around us. Scarlett walks in the polyamorous world through thick and thin with her family of the heart including adults, children, cats, dogs, horses and many variations in relationship structure. She is a passionate teacher hoping to find love, friendship and insight through careful consideration, continuous exploration and just the right question at the right time.Link:Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, poly, polyamorous, relationship, escalator, consensual, non-monogamous, society, jump, jumping, Scarlett, ross, Atlanta
#291 - Mark Warner - Anafiel HouseAnafiel House is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing services to survivors of intimate partner violence without regard to gender or sexual identity. The pilot office in Ringgold, GA will provide referrals for counseling, therapy, legal assistance, educational and employment resources, provide emergency food and clothing, and more. Anafiel House plans to have a secure main campus located on in a rural area within an hour of downtown Atlanta by the year 2023. The campus will provide safe housing agritherapy, equine therapy, and craft therapy in addition to counseling education, and a structured environment for recovery. Anafiel House is privately funded by donations from individuals and organizations.Link: https://www.anafielhouse.org/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, relationship, Georgia, anafiel, mark, Warner, violence, intimate, referrals, emergency
#CS8 -The Citadel - San FranciscoThis month we visit with Raven at the San Francisco, Citadel. This is one on the largest dungeons at 8,000 square feet and in a major city with expensive real estate. Raven is the new owner, but she has been there almost since the Citadel started, four locations ago. The community is diverse and large in San Francisco. The larger SF Bay Area includes a seven million people that get to go to the Citadel to get their kink on. Folsom Street Fair is coming at the end of the month and the Citadel will be hosting parties most of Folsom week. Raven tells us all about it.Here’s what the Citadel is all about:The SF CITADEL's mission is to provide a safe space for alternative lifestyles, cultural and leather events We also provide other resources to individuals, associations and communities who identify with having different ways of expressing their proclivities. We want to create a safe place to meet, explore and share enjoyment, happiness, laughter and pleasure within these communities locally and nationally.InclusivityWe are open to all human players. We warmly welcome everyone regardless of race, creed, color, sexual orientation or gender identification. This is a place for all individuals to gather with other like-minded individuals to explore alternative aspect of their identities. We strive to provide a safe space and will continue to do the best that we can to create, promote and enforce safety and freedom to personal expression.Link: https://www.sfcitadel.org/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, BDSM, dungeon, San Francisco, folsom, event, RavenClick on the ShowLogo below to listen!

#292 - Sassy - Should I or Shouldn't ISassy has been involved in the Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago kink scene since her 40th birthday when she stumbled upon Fetlife. She started as a service sub only to realize she hates service loves pain. Sassy can be found at events either being shot with gummy bears, being mind fucked with large bags of ice, or laughing as the meanest tops hit her. Her speciality is finding loop holes in any rules or instructions her tops give her. A huge advocate of responsible bottoming and open communication, she is always happy to share her experience with others in the community.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/2244557Keywords: podcast. Kinkycast, kink, BDSM, fire, sub, submissive, sassy, slingshot, gummy, fish, ice, responsibility, bottoming