#315 - WyMoBuckaroo - Kinky Cowboy
Our good friend of the cast, Unicorn Husbandry put me in touch with this week’s guest, for that, I’m eternally grateful. I spoke with WyMoBuckaroo on the phone for, well a couple of hours, because I found him so interesting. I felt he was a cross between Will Rogers and Mark Twain. As our guest aged he was like a magnet for life’s philosophy. He is a prolific writer and just perusing his Fetlife archive will entertain for hours. In his own words, here is what Buckaroo thinks… Woody
If brains were leather, some folks couldn’t saddle a June bug! Dumber ‘n fried popsicles!
Just yer average, curmudgeonly, cowboy. Lover of ropes, spurs, quirts, piggin' strings, hogties, mind fuckery, and general kinky shit. I'm as kinky as a Dollar Store garden hose!
I value character above all things. Walking the talk. Keeping my word. Being real. Being true. Being honest in word and deed. Being authentic. Always looking to overcome. Never giving up. Learning humility, transparency, vulnerability.
What good is a 10-gallon hat on a 5-gallon head?
I don't value folks for what I see, but for who they are, and for who I am together with them. What and who I find beautiful or sexy is a fluid thing, and most certainly not based on gender, identity, or any other thing.
Top hands get there by doin' the hard work...from the ground up. Do you want to run the ranch? Learn to shovel the shit first! Lay aside that ego! To quote an old-timey preacher; "it takes more grace than I can tell to play the second fiddle well..."
Want to be served? Learn service? Want to Dominate? Practice submitting. Want to lead? Be a good follower.
I'm a Cowboy because, well, I am. Some things you just are, and once you are something, well....you are. I am old. I love fucking. I am a Dominant. I am a Buckaroo. I am a cowboy through and through. I’m an old fucking Cowboy Dominant.
Link: https://fetlife.com/users/8176099
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, cowboy, old, life, philosopher, real, true, honest, authentic, humility, transparency, vulnerability, service, genuine