#451 - Empress Misty & Daemon Danes - Game On!
Today we bring you a controversial subject on the balance of male and female positions within society and the kink world. Our guests are Emperess Misty and Daemon Danes. Both guests are alpha dominants and very similar in their thinking. We compare their roles and acceptance from each person's viewpoint. Next week the KinkyCast will present an entirely female view of this subject. Hold on, it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride.
Links: Empress Mysti’s Fet Page Daemon Danes - Fet Page
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, empress, Mysti, Daemon, Danes, Damon, Damian, 451, male, female, power, game, balance, woman, women, lib, problem, dominance, dominant, misty, controversial
#podcast #kinkycast #empress #Mysti #Daemon #Danes #Damon #Damian #male #female #power #game #balance #woman #women #lib #problem #dominance #dominant #misty #controversial