#332 - Uni_Kitty - Sweat the Small Stuff
Sweat the small stuff? We’ve always been told to sweat the big stuff. Any type of interpersonal relationship is more like cracking a safe than blowing up a bridge. The small stuff is the things that bring a smile to your significant other, and give them the feeling that you really care. Our guest this week, like all kittens, Uni_Kitty likes to watch - and she is a keen observer of human interactions — kinky, vanilla, etc — all in an attempt to develop a relationship philosophy that jives harmoniously with human nature. She is a polyamorist and a kinkster who lives, works and plays with her poly group. Her life as a poly and kinky kitten can be ridiculous, and she loves to share stories of her exploits! Her full musings can be found on her Fet account, https://fetlife.com/users/3039760 and at www.ScratchTheKitty.com.
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, unikitty, uni_kitty, relationships, small, stuff, sweat, kinky, vanilla, interactions, philosophy, observer, interaction, harmony, poly, writer